Squawk : The Road to High Level Programming on MicroControllers

What is Squawk project?

Squawk is a small Java(TM) VM written in Java that runs without an OS on small devices which are resource constraint devices where resources can be memory, CPU or battery power. Most JVMs are written using low level programming languages like C/C++ and assembly, while Squawk's core is mostly written in Java. Some complex processes can be better and easily expressed in Java, which offers features like garbage collection, exception handling and type safety. So, Squawk takes advantage from these features to perform some of its complex processes. Also implementing most of the VM in Java improves portability, maintainability and easiness of debugging. The Squawk JVM runs directly on the CPU which gives the advantage of not having an OS consuming resources on resource limited devices, and this means too that some of the OS functionalities should be placed in the JVM, and this results in a compact VM/OS that supports handling interrupts and writing device drivers in Java, also some other functionalities like resource management and networking stack should be provided by the VM. Having the Squawk JVM running directly on the CPU gives it full control on how much power is being used, which makes the programmers focus on building their Java applications without worrying about how long will the batteries last.

Sun SPOT(Small Programmable Object Technology):

It is a wireless sensor network developed by Sun Microsystems, it has a general purpose sensor/actuator application board (with a 3D accelerometer, a temperature sensor, a light sensor, two LEDs and two switches). Squawk's tiny size --80 KB RAM and 270 KB flash, including CLDC and hardware libraries-- makes it ideal for deployment on the Sun SPOT device, thus it brings Java to the world of sensor/actuators allowing the developers to use standard development tools directly on the device instead of low-level languages with little debugging support while running on the device.

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